dog training and behaviour

What your dog wants most is to spend time with YOU. When you make the time to learn something new or take a class with them, you increase your bond, help to build their confidence and burn off mental and physical energy.
Classes are held at Mr. Pets in St. Albert and/or at the Dog Shoppe in Devon.
AGILITY - Sun Mar 9th
BRAIN GAMES level 1 - Sun Mar 9th
NOSEWORK level 1 - Sun Mar 9th or Wed Mar 12th
OBEDIENCE level 1 - Mon Mar 10th
TREIBBALL level 1 - Wed Mar 12th
TRACKING - start tba end March/beg Apr
For More Information or Registration
-send a msge via Contact page
-email houndsense@gmail.com
-phone 780-416-4336

AGILITY 6 wks - $305
A wonderful, fast paced sport where you direct our dog through an obstacle course consisting of jumps,
weave poles, tunnels and more.
Prerequisites: dogs must be at least 1 year old and have basic obedience
Looks at your dog's cognitive potential and their ability to grasp and apply
concepts far beyond what we usually ask them to do
Prerequisites: dogs should have basic obedience
NOSEWORK, levels 1 & 2 6 wks - $305
Basic scent detection training
Prerequisites: dogs should have basic obedience
OBEDIENCE, levels 1 & 2 6 wks, $285
Foundation of obedience, manners, socialization, social skills with both dogs and humans
Level 1 is for puppies, young dogs, dogs that are new to the household or dogs that need a refresher
Prerequisites: puppies must have had their 2nd set of shots
Level 2 builds on basic skills and works on more advanced obedience incorporating
duration, distractions and distance
Prerequisites: dogs must already have the basics of obedience
TRACKING, level 1 6 wks - $325 level 2: 6-9 wks - $300-375
Learn how to direct your dog's natural tracking ability to follow a specific track to find what is at the end,
whether someone or something
Prerequisites: dogs should have basic obedience and must have completed level 1 before joining level 2
TREIBBALL, levels 1 & 2 6 wks - $325
Urban herding / herding with balls is a fun sport that is low impact for both dog and handler
and is played with the dog working off leash
Prerequisites: dogs should have basic obedience
WALKING WORKSHOP 4.5 hour workshop - $305
Turn your walks into a pleasant experience rather than an exercise in frustration
An intensive workshop to help you learn different techniques to help you take control of your walks,
manage and control any reactivity and teach your dog to walk nicely with you
Prerequisites: dog is a bad leash walker and/or reactive while on leash