dog training and behaviour

In addition to group classes and behaviour work, Hound Sense offers special programs and workshops. These can be done in either in person private sessions, classroom setting or via Zoom
For additional information on scheduling and pricing, please contact us.
Private Training When a class does not work for your schedule or life situation, we can do private in-home training with you, your family and dog/s in whatever area you are interested in. For city dwellers you might need help with an escape artist, obedience, walking or off-leash work. If you live in the country or on an acreage, perhaps you need help with perimeter training, respect for wildlife or distance work. Perhaps you have a rescue dog that needs some work before they can join a class. If you need help working with a dog that has mobility impairment when you are working with a dog that is deaf or blind or both. No matter what your training goals are, Hound Sense private sessions can help you realize them.
Early Puppy Socialization Program for Breeders Socialization for dogs is critical to ensure that they grow up into well-adjusted adults. The prime time for socializing puppies is between 3wks and 12 wks of age but the socialization process can begin almost as soon as the puppies are born. The Early Socialization Program helps breeders give their pups a head start on the socialization process before they go to their new homes.
Choosing the Right Dog / New Puppy on Board There are many things to consider when making the decision to bring a dog into your home and it is very important that you find a good fit for your family and lifestyle. What breed or mixes would be best, what age, sex, temperament, energymexico weblevel, costs and so on. Hound Sense works with you to help make the decision, and then helps you prepare for your new arrival.
Dog Pack Posse K9 Drill Team Here is an activity that is different, fun and entertaining where you and your dog really work together. A K-9 Drill Team is where teams of dogs and handlers work as a group to perform choreographed routines. If you want to do something with your dog that will: incorporate their existing skills of obedience, agility, tricks teach them new skills build their confidence help them work with distractions help your dog focus on you and increase your control allow you to show off what your dog knows how to do Then the Dog Pack Posse just might be the activity for you.
Canine Communication and Behaviour Dogs utilize an elaborate and sophisticated system of non-verbal communication that includes body positions, vocalizations, facial expressions, ear set, tail carriage and overall demeanor to signal their intentions and feelings to others. In this session, we look at how to understand and interpret what they are saying. Dealing with Fear Help your fearful/shy dog gain confidence, feel safe and be able to cope better with life and the world around them. Learn: where fear comes from & the body language of fear how to handle, train, manage a fearful dog specific exercises and activities to use when handling, and training to develop skills and confidence tools and techniques to help reduce stress Doggie Dilemas An informative, fun and interactive workshop session to discuss common canine challenges and learn how to deal with them.
Doggie Dilemas An informative, fun and interactive workshop session to discuss common canine challenges and learn how to deal with them.
Dealing with Fear Help your fearful/shy dog gain confidence, feel safe and be able to cope better with life and the world around them. Learn: where fear comes from & the body language of fear how to handle, train, manage a fearful dog specific exercises and activities to use when handling, and training to develop skills and confidence tools and techniques to help reduce stress Doggie Dilemas An informative, fun and interactive workshop session to discuss common canine challenges and learn how to deal with them.

What you should know about PUPPY SOCIALIZATION

Socialization is a vital part of a new puppy's development
A well-socialized puppy will grow into a well- adjusted adult dog. A puppy who has not been socialized or has been under-socialized will grow into an adult that tends to be fearful of things that are unfamiliar. It is very important that we begin the socialization process while the puppies are open and receptive to forming bonds, accepting new and different things and their sociability outweighs fear. This window of opportunity is known as the sensitive or critical period for socialization and it occurs in puppies between 3 wks and 12 wks of age. To take advantage of the socialization window means that you need to begin the process almost immediately after your new puppy comes home and before they have had their complete series of vaccinations. After a puppy is 12 wks of age, fear begins to outweigh sociability and if we wait until a puppy has had all of their shots before beginning the process, we miss our chance to do it. By taking common sense precautions while socializing a young puppy, the risk of infection is quite small compared to the much larger risk of the puppy developing serious behavior problems with fear and/or aggression later in life. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior believes that it should be the standard of care for puppies to receive such socialization before they are fully vaccinated. To see their entire position statement, visit their website at www.AVSABonline.org